Friday, July 11, 2008

Forex Trading

As our continuing effort to open new avenues of making money, we would like to introduce you to Forex trading. The term Forex means Foreign Exchange. It is a killer considering to other money making ideas. If you are hearing this word or opportunity for the first time, this is one opportunity you would like to learn. Here we are providing information on how to make money from Forex for beginners.

Foreign exchange market is one market which never closes. You can keep in touch with your investments throughout the day, 24hours. Forex market has transactions of over 3.2 trillion dollars per day. The figure itself is nearly 30 times higher than the transactions carried on share markets in US.

If you are a beginner you must learn Forex before beginning to trade Forex. Learning FX is very easy with easy to learn information provided here. What is Forex?

Forex is the foreign exchange market. You make money here by buying and selling foreign currencies. Unlike share market here you trade with some restrictions and regulations. There are new set of rules and regulations for Forex trading. In Forex market trading happens in pairs with USD usually work as a base currency. Here buying and selling happens at the same time. You exchange the currency you are selling with the currency you buy. Currency is traded in pairs. Euro/US Dollar (EURO/USD) or US Dollar/ Swiss franc. Most of the trading happens in the major currencies like USD/ Euro/ Swiss Franc, Canadian and Australian Dollar and Japanese Yen etc.

Why Forex?

Forex is a money making opportunity because of the following advantages.

Unlike stock market, which has a particular timing for the transactions to takes place, we can in FX market respond to the happenings around us that may affect Forex market immediately as and when they happen.

It has a high leverage Margin

Forex market has high leverage margin. Forex traders often offer trade margin of 50:1, 100:1. 150:1 and sometimes 200:1. It gives you a great opportunity to trade big volumes with smaller investments. For example if you have invested 1000usd you can with a 100:1 margin trade up to 100000usd.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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